Privacy policy

Data Protection

MTR-2 is aware of the importance of guaranteeing the right to privacy and data protection of Users and, in this sense, in compliance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 on Data Protection, and therefore in relation to processing of your personal data, we inform you below about the following points related to the processing of personal data through this website:

Responsible for the treatment:

  • Identity: Jose Luis Matarán Satorres
  • NIF: 53461214-Z
  • Postal Address: C/ Rio 2 Tajo CPOS 28981 de
    Parla, provincia de Madrid en España.
  • Phone: 0034 645 244 919
  • e-mail:


Depending on the form that the User completes in each case, the data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • Usuarios registrados: La información que nos proporcione en el formulario de registro se utiliza para la gestión de Usuarios de la página web, con el fin de que pueda acceder a su perfil, consultar sus pedidos y realizar sus compras sin que tenga que introducir de nuevo sus datos identificativos (nombre, apellidos, email y teléfono) y domicilio de entrega. Puede modificar la configuración de su perfil siempre que quiera.
    MTR-2 no admitirá intentos de registros falsos o que suplanten la identidad de personas o empresas, el suministro de información falsa en el formulario de registro implicará la baja automática del Usuario. Mataran Racing se reserva el derecho de verificar la información facilitada por el Usuario mediante comprobación telefónica.
  • Newsletter : In the cases in which you give us your consent as provided in article 21 of the Information Society Services Law, we will use your identification and contact information to send you information about news of the website, news of interest, as well as promotions and offers of our products and services. The channels that we usually use are: email, postal mail, telephone, SMS, Push message, but only if you give us your consent.
  • Contact : The personal data that you provide us through the contact form will only be processed to answer your query or request. The information collected is limited to identification and contact data, as well as data related to the nature of the request you send us.
  • Complaints form : The personal data that you provide us through the form will only be processed to attend to your complaint.
  • Returns form : The personal data that you provide us through the form will be processed for the evaluation and management of the return or exchange requested and the collection of the product if necessary.
  • Otras finalidades: La información facilitada se puede utilizar ocasionalmente para:
    • Encuestas para mejorar nuestros servicios
    • Gestionar las solicitudes de información, sugerencias y reclamaciones de clientes para su gestión y resolución.


The basis that legitimizes the data processing is the User's own consent and acceptance in each of the sections in which personal information is collected. The User has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

In relation to the processing of data for commercial purposes through telematic means, in cases where there is a prior contractual relationship between the parties, the communications are about products or services related to those previously requested by the interested party, and they are has given the User the possibility to oppose the processing of their data by marking the non-pre-marked box, the basis that legitimizes the treatment is based on the provisions of article 21.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of services of the Information Society.

In each commercial communication that is sent to the interested party, they will be given the possibility to express their opposition to the receipt of new communications.


We inform the User that the treatment of the information collected through this website does not imply an international transfer of data.

In relation to the recipients of the information, we inform you that in the event that you make an online purchase that must be delivered to the address you indicate or a return that must be collected at the address indicated, in the package sent Your name and surname, delivery address and telephone number will be detailed. This last piece of information will be included to allow contact between the transport company and the recipient in order to facilitate the delivery process.


Access, rectification, portability. To make these rights effective, the User can send an email to indicating the changes they want to exercise.

In the cases in which it considers that during the data processing by MTR-2 the data protection rights of the interested party have been violated, especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights. The User may file a claim with the Competent Data Protection Control Authority .

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